Deciding to sell your business is usually much more of a personal decision than an economic one. When you start thinking about selling, it's usually because there is something else you'd like to be doing. Maybe your motivation is to spend more time with your family, travel and see the world, volunteer, spend more time doing hobbies, or taking care of health issues and concerns.

Regardless of the reason, selling your business is a very hard decision to make--even harder than the decision to start or purchase a business. You've put your blood, sweat and tears in to making your business a success, you've raised your business from a child into an adult, and it's hard to let go and see it fly in the hands of someone else.So, in making the decision to sell, you need to make sure you are prepared. Getting ready to sell your business might be a two-year process to streamline expenses, increase sales, hire or alleviate unnecessary personnel, and put your business in the best possible light.I can help you navigate through these tough questions with a professional and defensible business evaluation that will help you make the right decisions. Call me today for your FREE, NO obligation consultation. Together, we can work toward making the next phase of your life possible.
All my best,
